AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals 应用

Virtual Coro - Portugal 1.0
NOTA: Depois de fazer o download e instalar oaplicativo, ele irá passar por um período de inicialização que podedemorar cerca de 10-15 minutos estando ligados a uma rede WIFI (otempo será maior em ligações através do telemóvel). Esta é umaetapa que acontecerá apenas uma vez tendo a APP um funcionamentonormal após conclusão da inicialização. O acesso a internet énecessário durante este período de inicialização.Esta é a primeira aplicação dedicada à informação de doentes queestão a ser tratados por SCA, pelo seu cardiologista de intervençãoou hospital.1. Fornecer informações sobre as lesões e tratamento em apenasalguns segundos- A localização de lesão coronária: artéria descendente anterioresquerda, ramo da artéria circunflexa 1ª marginal, artériacoronária direita média, etc.- O seu tratamento: os stents farmacológicos, os stents metálicos,tromboaspiração.- Exames de potenciais endovasculares: ultrassom, imageminfravermelha etc.2. Explicar lesões cardíacas com um modelo de coração 3D do seudoente- A localização das lesões- As áreas de dor miocárdica- Mostra o coração em todos os ângulos3. Ver o interior das artérias coronárias para explicar otratamento- As etapas: Introdução do fio guia, tromboaspiração,endarteriectomia, colocação de stent- Os exames efetuados: ultrassom intravascular, imageminfravermelhos, etc.- Explicar o papel de cada componente do tratamento médico BASIC,no coração do doente e nas artérias coronárias.NOTE: After you downloadand install the application, it will go through a startup periodwhich can take about 10-15 minutes being connected to a WiFinetwork (the time will be longer in connections via mobile phone).This is a step that will happen only once with the APP normaloperation after completion of startup. The internet access isrequired during this startup period.This is the first application dedicated to information ofpatients who are being treated for ACS, its interventioncardiologist or hospital.1. Provide information on injuries and treatment in seconds- The location of coronary lesions: left anterior descendingartery, the 1st marginal circumflex artery branch, right coronaryartery, etc.- Your treatment: drug-eluting stents, bare-metal stents,tromboaspiração.- Potential tests endovascular: ultrasound, infrared imageetc.2. Explain cardiac lesions with a 3D heart model of yourpatient- The location of the lesions- The areas of myocardial pain- Shows the heart at all angles3. See the inside of the coronary arteries to explaintreatment- Steps: Wire Started tab, tromboaspiração, endarterectomy,stenting- The examinations performed intravascular ultrasound, infraredimage, etc.- Explain the role of each component of medical BASIC treatment,the patient's heart and coronary arteries.
Virtual Coro - Bulgaria 2.2
Визуализиране (3D изглед) на специфичнисъбития на ОКС и намеса въз основа на приноса от крайнияпотребител. Визуализация на свързаните с тях процедури и съвети запромяна в начина на животНаучно демонстрирано обучително съдържание, което показва вида наОКС, каква интервенция е направена и какви препоръки за лечение ипромяна в начина на живот са дадени.Внимание: След свалянето и инсталирането на приложението, то щепремине през срок за инициализация, който може да отнеме около10-15 минути според WIFI мрежата(по-дълъго през клетъчна връзка).Това е еднократна стъпка и приложение ще функционира нормално следприключването на инициализацията. Изисква се достъп до интернет попо време на инициализацията.Visualization (3D view)to specific events of ACS and intervention based on input from theend user. Preview of the associated procedures and tips for achange in lifestyleScientifically demonstrated educational content, which indicatesthe type of ACS, what intervention is made and what recommendationsfor treatment and changes in lifestyle are given.Warning: After downloading and installing the application, itwill go through a period initialization that can take about 10-15minutes according WIFI network (longer in cellular connection).This is a single step application will operate normally aftercompletion of initialization. It requires access to the Internetduring initialization.
Virtual Coro - BE, LU 2.2
Opmerking: Na het downloaden en installerenvan de app, vindt de initialisatie plaats. Dit kan 10-15 minutenduren via WiFi (langer via mobiele verbindingen). Dit is eenéénmalig proces en de app zal normaal functioneren nadat deinitialisatie voltooid is. Tijdens de initialisatie isinternetverbinding vereist.De eerste applicatie die gericht is op het informeren vanpatiënten die behandeld worden voor ACS door hun interventionelecardioloog in het ziekenhuis of door hun cardioloog in deprivé-praktijk.1. Geef informatie over de letsels en de behandeling in slechtsenkele seconden- De locatie van de coronaire letsels: LAD (mid), BifurcatieLAD-D1, Mid rechter coronair, etc.- Behandeling: drug eluting stent, bare metal stent,trombusaspiratie, etc.- Eventuele endocoronaire onderzoeken: echographie, infrarodebeeldvorming, etc.2. Leg de hartaandoening uit met een 3D-zicht op het hart- De locatie van de letsels.- Ischemische zones van het myocard.3. Duik binnenin de kransslagaders om de behandeling te doenbegrijpen:- Fasen: het plaatsen van de guiding catheter, trombectomie,endarterectomie, het plaatsen van de stent.- De uitgevoerde onderzoeken: echographie, infrarode beeldvorming,etc.4. Leg de rol uit van elk onderdeel van de medische behandeling ophet hart en de kransslagaders van de patiënt.Note: After downloadingand installing the app, you'll initialization place. This may take10-15 minutes over WiFi (longer via mobile connections). This is aone time process and the app will function normally after theinitialization is complete. During initialization is Internetconnection.The first application aimed at informing patients treated forACS through their interventional cardiologist at the hospital or bytheir cardiologist in private practice.1. Provide information on the injuries and treatment inseconds        - The location ofthe coronary lesions: LAD (mid), Crotch LAD D1, Mid right coronary,etc.        - Treatment: drugeluting stent, bare metal stent, trombusaspiratie, etc.        - Any endogenouscoronary investigations: echographie, infrared imaging, etc.2. Put the heart condition with a 3D view of the heart        - The location ofthe lesions.        - Ischemic zones ofthe myocardium.3. Dive inside the coronary arteries to make you understand thetreatment:        - Phases: theplacing of the guiding catheter, thrombectomy, endarterectomy, theplacement of the stent.        - The studiescarried out: echographie, infrared imaging, etc.4. Place the role of each component of the medical treatment on theheart and the coronary arteries of the patient.
Virtual Coro 1.0
HINWEIS: NACH DOWNLOAD UND INSTALLATION DERAPP DURCHLÄUFT DIESE EINEN EINRICHTUNGSPROZESS, DER BEI EINERWIFI-VERBINDUNG CA. 10-15 MINUTEN DAUERT (ENTSPRECHEND LÄNGER BEIMOBILFUNKVERBINDUNGEN). NACH ABSCHLUSS DER EINMALIGEN EINRICHTUNGFUNKTIONIERT DIE APP GANZ NORMAL. WÄHREND DER EINRICHTUNG MUSS EINEINTERNETVERBINDUNG BESTEHEN.Die erste Applikation welche ACS-Patienten informiert, die durchinterventionelle Kardiologen und niedergelassene Kardiologenbehandelt werden.1. Informationen über die Läsion und deren Behandlung in ein paarSekunden- Lokalisierung der Läsion in der Koronararterie: Mittlere LAD,Circumflex 1st Marginale, Mittlere rechte Koronararterie etc.- Die Behandlung: Drug-eluting Stents, Bare-metal Stents,Thrombus-Aspiration.- Mögliche endovaskuläre Untersuchungen: Ultraschall,Infrarot-Imaging etc.2.Erklärung der kardialen Läsion mittels eines 3D Models desPatientenherzens- Die Areale, wo die durch Herzinfarkt bedingten Schmerzenwahrgenommen werden.- Das Herz aus jedem Winkel betrachten.3. Ins Innerste der Koronararterien blicken, um Ihren Patienten dieBehandlungsansätze zu erklären:- Die Stadien der Behandlung: Platzierung des Führungsdrahtes,Thrombus-Aspiration, Endarterektomie, Platzierung des Stent.- Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen: Ultraschall, Infrarot-Imagingetc.- Die Rolle jedes einzelnen Schrittes der medikamentösenBasisbehandlung anhand von Bildern des Herzens und derKoronararterie erklären.NOTE: TO DOWNLOAD ANDINSTALL THE APP GOING THROUGH THIS PROCESS AN INSTITUTION, THE CASEOF WIFI CONNECTION CA. 10-15 MINUTES TAKE (IN ACCORDANCE WITHLONGER IN MOBILE CONNECTIONS). ON COMPLETION OF UNIQUE DEVICE DOESTHE APP VERY NORMAL. DURING THE DEVICE MUST BE AN INTERNETCONNECTION THERE.The first application that ACS patients informed treated byinterventional cardiologists and practicing cardiologist.1. Information about the lesion and its treatment in a fewseconds- Localization of the lesion in the coronary artery: Medium LAD,circumflex 1st Marginal, Middle right coronary artery, etc.- Treatment: Drug-eluting stents, bare-metal stents,thrombus-aspiration.- Possible endovascular tests: ultrasound, infrared imaging,etc.2.Erklärung of cardiac lesion using a 3D model of the patient'sheart- The areas where the pain caused by heart attacks areperceived.- Consider the heart from every angle.3. ins heart of the coronary arteries look to explain to yourpatients, treatment approaches:- The stages of treatment: placement of the guidewirethrombus-aspiration, endarterectomy, placement of the stent.- The investigations include ultrasonic, infrared imaging,etc.- Explain the role of each step of the drug based treatment basedon images of the heart and the coronary artery.
Light On Gout 1.1.1
LIGHT ON GOUT is a free App for iPhone andiPadthat delivers a truly engaging way to see gout in a new light.Withthe LIGHT ON GOUT 4D experience, you can examine healthy,moderate,and severe conditions of gout spatially from multipleangles on yourmobile device.LIGHT ON GOUT uses the camera on your iPhone or iPad to bringyouinto a world of augmented reality and heightened interactivity.Youcan make the 4D image larger or smaller and rotate it withyourfingertips to view each stage of gout in the foot, hand,knee,spine, and lungs from every possible angle.To experience LIGHT ON GOUT:• Open the App, and tap “yes” to allow it access toyourcamera• Tap on the logo in the center of the screen to begin• Aim your device at one of the LIGHT ON GOUT 4D tags at a time,andhold your device still until the App can recognize thetag• Watch the 4D LIGHT ON GOUT experience come to life• Use the navigation icons to view healthy, moderate andsevereconditions• Change the angle of your device or manipulate the image withyourfingertips to see different 4D views
Fit2Me – My Plan, My Way 1.0.8
Fit2Me(TM) is a free food and activity supportprogram built around you and your health challenges. It’scustom-fit to the way you like to eat, the way you prefer to move,and even the way you want to be motivated.Fit2Me is not your typical support program. There are nopre-built meal plans, no journal entries to write, no activities totrack. Instead, Fit2Me turns your favorite food and activitychoices into a customized plan just for you!HOW FIT2ME WORKS:1. Download the free Fit2Me App and pick your digital coach2. Tell your coach about the foods you like, the activities youenjoy, your health challenges, and your motivational needs3. Your coach will provide options that are designed just for youand they will be there every step of the way to guide you,encourage you, and celebrate your successesFIT2ME FEATURES:• 10,000+ health friendly recipes• 500 exercises and activities• Food and activity calorie counters• Step-by-step instructional videos• Doctor discussion guides• Medication and doctor appointment reminders• Points and victory logs• Chances to win cool rewardsRemember to consult with your doctor before making any changesto your health management plan and before starting any diet orexercise program.This App is not a medical device. The App and the informationgenerated from it should not be used as a basis for any diagnosis,monitoring, management or treatment. The App is intended for use asan educational tool.Data rates from your wireless carrier may apply. AstraZenecadoes not charge for use of this application.©2016 AstraZeneca. All rights reserved. 1991404-3232300 Lastupdated 06/16.
AZhelps– Savings, Medication Reminders &Tracker, Healthy ArticlesAZhelps by AstraZeneca (AZ) is an app designed to help youmanage your medication(s).Save: Mobile Savings CardThe mobile AZhelps Savings Card lives in your phone like an airlineboarding pass or mobile coupon. Save it to your Android Pay foreasy access to prescription savings offers. The best part? You cansave* on your AstraZeneca medications with just one mobile card.Plus, you can see all your transactions and how much you’ve saved.The app even simplifies mail-order reimbursement—it's just likedepositing a check with your banking app. Another way AZ helps makesaving on your prescriptions easier.*Subject to eligibility rules. Restrictions apply.Track: Medication Reminders & TrackerEveryone needs a reminder, once in a while. AZhelps makes it easyto track and record any medication you take with customizedreminders you set yourself. When you’re due for a refill, just tapto send a request directly to your pharmacy, from wherever you are.We’ll even let you know when it’s ready to pick up. Another way AZhelps make managing your health easier.Learn: Healthy Articles & TipsImportant health questions need answers. That’s why you’ll findinformation about the AstraZeneca medications you take is alwaysavailable. You can also browse through healthy advice and lifestylearticles hand-picked for you from some of the best names in health,like The New York Times and the Mayo Clinic.For US Audiences OnlyDeveloped by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, LP. Please report allproduct complaints, including side effects and/or adverse events,to the AstraZeneca Information Center at 1-866-687-5439 (Monday –Friday, 8 AM – 6 PM ET, excluding holidays).This app is intended to be an educational tool. It is notintended to be a medical device. As such, the app and anyinformation within should not be used as a basis for any diagnosis,monitoring, management, or treatment.AstraZeneca respects your personal health information. Theinformation you provide may be used to send you health-relatedmaterials and to develop products, services, and Programs. Certaininformation pertaining to your participation will be shared withAstraZeneca, the sponsor of the Program. The information sharedwill include the date that you filled the prescription, thequantity of medication dispensed by your pharmacist, and yoursavings under the Program. AstraZeneca, or third parties working onour behalf, will not sell or rent personal health information. Ifin the future you no longer want to receive these materials, pleasecall 1-866-687-5439.Use of the AZhelps app is governed by the AstraZeneca Terms ofUse and Privacy Policy.Data rates from your carrier may apply. AstraZeneca does notcharge for use of this application.©2016 AstraZeneca. All rights reserved. 3267606 Last Updated7/16
planMYmeds 3.2.0
planMYmeds is an app provided to supportpatients taking part in an AstraZeneca clinical study.planMYmeds is a treatment support tool. It gives an easy-to-accessview of your dosing schedule, provides reminders when it’s time totake your medication and when you have hospital appointments. Italso allows you to capture comments on your ability to take yourmedication to help you discuss with your Healthcare Provider.
Quality Care Companion 1.6
Description:The Quality Care Companion provides an innovative resource for care professionals that is focused on helping to improve thequality of patient care.The Quality Care Companion App offers the following keyfeatures:• One common place to access nationally recognized and establishedQuality Measures• Ability to search quality measures using real patient attributesacross all disease states• An opportunity for health care professionals to identify ways tohelp improve quality of care for patients at the point ofservice• The option to save favorite quality measures for easy access at alater date• Other reference materials to help enhance understanding of thequality space.Please note that comments posed on Google Play are notassociated with or endorsed by AstraZeneca. AstraZeneca values yourcomments, questions and concerns but will not respond to commentsposted on Google Play. Instead, please contact us directly at1-800-236-9933. If you are experiencing a medical emergency,contact your health care provider immediately.
Virtual Coro - Poland 2.2
Aplikacja VIRTUAL CORO służy wsparciuedukacjipacjentów poddawanych przezskórnym interwencjom wieńcowym.Dzięki interaktywnym modelom serca oraz filmomdemonstracyjnympozwala spersonalizować demonstrację pod kątemanatomiiindywidualnego pacjenta oraz procedur, które zostały uniegozastosowane. Zawiera również wskazówki do zmiany stylużyciapacjenta.VIRTUAL COROapplicationis intended to support the education of patientsundergoingpercutaneous coronary intervention.With interactive models of the heart and films demonstrationletsyou personalize a demonstration for an individual patientanatomyand the procedures that were used in him. It also containsclues tothe patient's life-style changes.
Virtual Coro - Greece 2.2
The app aims at supporting discussionsbetweenHCPs (cardiologists and interventionists mainly) andpatientsfollowing an ACS Event. Through the app, the HCP canreproduce whathappened to the heart of the patient and thedifferentinterventions that have been made. The HCP can alsoexplain howdifferent recommended treatment and life style adviceswill helpthe patient in the future. The principle of the app hasbeendemonstrated to a lot of markets and is addressing theirneeds.This is a quite unique approach with no similar appsavailable forthis targeted audience
GCO Games 1.0.3
The GCO Games App is a fun way to testyourknowledge retention after completing an AstraZenecatrainingsession. Think you can score higher than others and make iton tothe Leaderboard? Log on and start testing your knowledge usingtheGCO Games app!A valid user id and password are required to access thisapp.Access by unauthorized users is strictly prohibited.
PROACT 0.1.0
PROACT gives you a way to directly getinvolvedin developing a drug in clinical studies. As a patient,you knowbest what it’s like have your condition and take part inthe study.Your medical team and the people running the study needto learn asmuch as possible about your experiences, thoughts, andopinions sothey can develop a drug that is optimized for patientcare.
Virtual Heart - Australia 2.0
Patient education tool for use by Health CareProfessionals in counselling patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS). Includes a 3D model of the heart that can be viewed in anyangle and customized to illustrate different ACS presentations andinterventions. Intended to be used either in the hospital settingbefore or after an intervention, during discharge consultations toassist with explaining the patient’s diagnosis and steps involvedwith ongoing elements of secondary prevention.
Balance Personal Health Tool™ 2.0.0
The AstraZeneca Balance Personal Health Tool™provides people living with type 2 diabetes a support applicationto help lead a healthier lifestyle. The app helps you track yoursteps/activity, calories/meals, and medication on a daily basis. Inpartnership with your healthcare provider, you can set goals anduse the tools in this app to keep a record of your progress.This application can only be used by type 2 diabetes patients thatare verified as part of the Balance program. The app does not givemedical advice and patients are instructed to contact theirhealthcare provider to discuss any treatment-related questions orbefore starting a diet or exercise plan.Key features:• Log and monitor your blood glucose levels• View your daily step count through a paired pedometer• Log your meals and calories• Log your activities and calories burned• Receive reminders to keep track of your medication• Receive notifications to help meet your goals• Earn “triumph” badges when you reach your goals• View your trends and progress over time
Peak Flow Log SSA 1.2.3
Description:This app is authorised for use in Sub-Saharan countries onlyandexcludes South Africa.Patients suffering from Asthma or respiratory related illnessnowhave the ability to track and measure Peak Flow rate.The AstraZeneca Peak Flow Log allows you to Track yourpersonalPeak Flow Rate daily, monitor it closely and share with youHealthCare Professional.Peak Flow Log is a free Mobile App developed byAstraZenecaPharmaceuticals and comes with the followingfeatures:Measure Peak Flow RateGraph DisplayTracks Locational and time stamped data inputAllows for multiple user accessAllows for results to be shared with Health CareProfessionalsHas educational videos
Inside Gout 1.1
Journey inside the body to uncover thetruecauses of gout. INSIDE GOUT is a free, interactive educational tool thatoffershealthcare professionals useful and engaging informationabout thesystemic and chronic nature of gout. Engage with INSIDE GOUT:-         Assemble apurinemolecule and metabolize uric acid-         Interactwithtransporters within the kidney-         Expose theeffectsof overproduction and inefficient excretion of uricacid-         Reveal FastFactsto broaden your understanding of gout-         Challengeyourknowledge with the INSIDE GOUT quiz  
AZ Respiratory VR 2.0.4
Immerse yourself in the science of respiratory health with theRespiratory Virtual Reality app from AstraZeneca. Explore a libraryof video experiences focusing on respiratory health. This app putsunique and engaging resources at your fingertips. Informationregarding respiratory conditions is now just a swipe away with theRespiratory Virtual Reality app from AstraZeneca.
EPIC Diabetes 1.1
Programa de formación en Diabetes MellitusTipoII para profesionales sanitarios.Programa científico avalado por la red GDPS que consta de 5módulosformativos en Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II, acompañado dediapositivasdescargables.Este curso ha sido desarrollado por un comitécientíficoespecíficamente designado para ello.Cuenta con mecánicas y dinámicas interactivas(autoevaluaciones,retos, competición) , lo que hace que sea muchomás atractivo ymotivador.Mediante EPIC Diabetes, se ofrece al participante un curso conlasúltimas novedades en Diabetes tipo II usando metodologíasdeaprendizaje innovadoras; dinámicas interactivas para conseguirunaexperiencia didáctica mucho más enriquecedora y amena.Training program TypeIIDiabetes Mellitus for health professionals.scientific program endorsed by the GDPS network consisting of5training modules in Diabetes Mellitus Type II, accompaniedbydownloadable slides.This course has been developed by a scientificcommitteespecifically designated for it.Interactive features mechanical and dynamic(self-assessments,challenges, competition), which makes it muchmore attractive andmotivating.Diabetes by EPIC, the participant is offered a course withthelatest developments in type II diabetes using innovativelearningmethodologies; dynamic interactive to get a much moreenriching andenjoyable learning experience.
Phakamisa 1.0.1
Phakamisa is AstraZeneca's access program for Breast and ProstateCancer in Sub-Sahara Africa. The program began as a CorporateSocial Responsibility program in 2010 when AstraZeneca realized theimpending burden that the South African state health sector wasgoing to be faced with by noncommunicable diseases, and cancer inparticular. Phakamisa is derived from a Zulu word, which means'upliftment'. Phakamisa partners with others to help strengthenhealthcare frameworks and capabilities for people in communitieswith limited healthcare infrastructure. Through its partnershipwith organisations such as the Cancer Association of South Africaand the Breast Health Foundation, teams of volunteers andcounsellors are trained to go out into the community, raisingawareness and supporting patients, as Phakamisa 'Navigators'. ThePhakamisa App is intended as a tool for use by ‘Navigators’ duringtheir Phakamisa Program field work. It allows Navigators to: - LogGroup Talks, including the GPS location - Enter certain patientdetails & symptoms - Refer patients to a nearby clinic/hospital- Follow up and update patient data as they progress from symptomsthrough diagnosis and treatment. Navigators can also track theirpersonal performance against their objectives. The app can only beused by approved Navigators who have been issued with a validusername and password as part of the Phakamisa program.
Моя Карта Здоровья 1.0
Приложение «Карта Здоровья» - это бесплатный мобильный помощникдляпациентов и их родственников. Данное приложение разработановрамках программы поддержки пациентов «Карта Здоровья» (см.нижеподробное описание)* Приложение содержит большой набор функцийдляподдержания здорового образа жизни, а, в случаехроническогозаболевания, предлагает простые способы контроля своегосостояния,а также позволяет следовать рекомендациям врача в полномобъеме.Возможности приложения «Карта Здоровья»: 1. ИнформационнаяЛента оздоровом образе жизни, питании, физической активности,полезныерекомендации по улучшению состояния здоровья. Весьматериалпредлагается в интересной и интерактивной форме. 2. Ведениепростыхперсональных дневников самоконтроля с отображением всехвашихзаписей с использованием уникальной технологии для быстроговводарезультатов измерений, позволяющих вносить новые записизасчитанные секунды. Возможные параметры самоконтроля:глюкозанатощак/после еды; гликированный гемоглобин; липидограмма(общийхолестерин и др.); артериальное давление; одышка; приступыастмы;пикфлоуметрия и многое другое. 3. Получать статистикувашихпоказателей здоровья (дневники позволяют отображатьисториюизменений, формируют специализированные графики в динамике -день,неделя, месяц, которыми вы можете поделиться со своимлечащимврачом). 4. Найти ближайшую аптеку, используя интерактивнуюкарту ивашу геолокацию. 5. Личный кабинет участника программы«КартаЗдоровья», который позволяет: получать информацию оперсональныхусловиях программы, отслеживать свой статус участника иисториюсовершенных покупок. 6. Анонсы регулярных онлайн школ дляпациентовс ведущими лидерами мнений в области кардиологии,пульмонологии исахарного диабета (проводятся на сайтеwww.картажизни.рф). 7.Оптимизированный стартовый экран дляотображения наиболее полезнойинформации и быстрого ввода новыхданных. *Программа «КартаЗдоровья» создана для поддержки пациентовс такими хроническимизаболеваниями, как ишемическая болезнь сердца(инфаркт миокарда,нестабильная стенокардия); сахарный диабет 2-готипа; бронхиальнаяастма; хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких.Она направлена наувеличение приверженности к терапии и доступностик инновационнымпрепаратам. «Карта Здоровья» –«Лучшая программа дляпациентов,направленная на увеличение приверженности к терапии идоступностиинновационных препаратов» по итогам премии RussianPharma awards2017**. ** Электронный ресурс для врачейHYPERLINK«» www.doktornarabote.ruПобедители2017. [Электронный ресурс],11.01.2018.URL:ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ НЕЗАМЕНЯЕТ И НЕ ОТМЕНЯЕТ КОНСУЛЬТАЦИЮ ВРАЧА.
Turbo+ Insights Italy 4.4.0
Turbo + ™ is a program intended to help people with asthma and / orCOPD.
iPredict Research 1.1.0
The App will collect, display, and store data from asthmaticpatients.
Heart-Mitra 1.1
Heart-Mitra is an educational mobile rehab service forHeart-attackpatients and their caregivers. It provides patients andtheircare-givers, clear and complete information on all aspects ofhearthealth after heart attack, including medicationsreminders,lifestyle modifications, educational videos, healthcareserviceslocation, etc. Heart-Mitra features can be customized asperpatient’s need, thereby empowering patients and theircare-giversto take responsibility for their and their loved oneshealth.
AZ Meetings & Events 5.78.2
The AstraZeneca Meetings & Events app is your centralresourcefor managing logistics and information related to meetingsandCongresses. This application can be used acrossmultipletherapeutic areas, each event having its event schedule,speakers,attendee networking list, and set of logistics. The usageand theaudience of this application is strictly restricted toAstraZenecaemployees and external people formally invited to attendsuchevents. All events within this app are hidden by a uniquepassword.More information on AstraZeneca:
Turbu+ Insights Netherlands 4.6.0
Turbu + Insights aims to help asthma / COPD patients in clinicalresearch.
Turbu+ Italia 4.6.0
Turbu + is a program intended to help people with asthma and / orCOPD.
PharmaZy 2.5.0
PharmaZy is an app sponsored by AstraZeneca for pharmacists tousein their daily work with their customers
Unify DIALIZE 2.1.22
Dialize clinical trial participants support and information
Atemwege gemeinsam gehen 2.5
Training app for people with asthma.
HRDSee_DE-ES 1.1
Learn about homologous recombination deficiency and itsgenomiceffects. An interactive augmented reality app forhealthcareprofessionals. AstraZeneca and MSD collaborate within theoncologyspace and both companies have endorsed the scientificcontent ofthis application. The sole proprietor of this applicationisAstraZeneca. This app is not a medical device. Forhealthcareprofessional use only. Date of preparation: March 2021
Workplace Companion
Companion is a workplace application to AZ employees tokeyworkplace services.
Info ASTMA 1.2.1
Mobile Application Info Asthma is intended for patients withasthma.
AZCare Patient 3.4.1
App for patient under selected PAP to improve treatment adherence.
Unify Trials 6.0.20
Unify clinical trial participants support and information
AZ Campus Connect 1.1
Official AstraZeneca Gaithersburg Campus App.
Staging NSCLC 1.4
Staging NSCLC: From staging to patient management with NSCLC
PULIH for Verificator 2.0.6
PULIH application for verifier